Ken Burns has used his camera lens to tell the essential tales of American history, from westward expansion and the dust bowl to the history of Jazz and the Vietnam War.
His latest documentary hits closer to home here in Jacksonville as Burns tells the story of one of the world’s best-known and acclaimed hospitals.
Burns says he spent three years researching the story of Mayo Clinic by spending lots of time at Mayo’s headquarters in Rochester, Minnesota.
Related: Preview Of The Mayo Clinic Faith - Hope - Science
“It’s just a wonderful story that could have only happened here, a universal human story about taking care of each other, how the greatest hospital on Earth got created, all the things they do well.”
WJCT News spoke with Burns ahead of his Thurday night appearance to screen portions of the documentary at the University of North Florida.
The Mayo Clinic - Faith - Hope- Science premieres Tuesday, September 25 on PBS stations across the country including WJCT Television.
Watch The Full Ken Burns First Coast Connect Interview
Melissa Ross can be reached at, 904-358-6382 or on Twitter at @MelissainJax.