A student Gallup poll show Duval County Public Schools students seem to be more optimistic and emotionally healthy this year.
More than 56,000 students in grades 5 through 12 participated in the districtwide survey on student health and well-being. That’s up from 42,680 students last year, according to the district.
This year’s poll shows hope and engagement among Duval County students improved slightly by 2 percent. Student well-being - that is, how students think about and experience their lives - is up by 1 percent this year.
In a written statement released Thursday, Superintendent Nikolai Vitti said the data speaks to an improvement in overall student culture in the district.
“Our principals studied last year’s results and committed themselves to improving the way students experienced school," he said. " This is a sign that our renewed focus on the whole child from expanding arts education, electives, progressive discipline, counseling, character education, and mentoring is working.”

You can follow Rhema Thompson on Twitter @RhemaThompson.