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Florida Legislature Likely To Avoid Controversy Ahead Of 2016 Elections

Florida lawmakers will convene for the 60-day legislative session on Jan. 12.
Florida lawmakers will convene for the 60-day legislative session on Jan. 12.

The Florida Legislature will convene itsregular legislative session in January, a couple of months earlier than usual. Lawmakers are allowed to set their own start date in even numbered years, enabling them to get their work done early when elections are looming. 

Legislators are holding committee meetings in Tallahassee  to get ready for the work ahead, but there hasn't been  much in the way of results so far. A lot of the committees have met very little, if at all. "They've been sort of distracted," says Herald/Times Tallahassee bureau reporter Michael Auslen. "There's been redistricting, there's been a lot of focus on electing the next speaker of the House and president of the Senate."

Every bill that's passed by the Legislature and signed into law starts in a committee. That's where ideas are workshopped and changes are made. But the typical committee work has been sidetracked by special sessions on voting boundaries and disagreements among Republican leaders. 

Lawmakers will likely seek to quell their differences so they can put up a united front ahead of the 2016 elections. As  Auslen tells us, they'll also try to stay away from highly controversial legislation because many of them are running for reelection.

Tampa Bay Times/Miami Herald Tallahassee reporter Michael Auslen talks with WLRN's Gina Jordan about why lawmakers will try to avoid controversy in the upcoming legislative session.

Copyright 2015 WLRN 91.3 FM

Gina Jordan reports from Tallahassee for WUSF and WLRN about how state policy affects your life.