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Animal rescuer from Jacksonville joins Ukraine pet effort

Mike Merrill of St. Augustine holds two Ukrainian rescue pups.
Mike Merrill via The Times-Union
Mike Merrill of St. Augustine holds two Ukrainian rescue pups.

For 10 days a Northeast Florida animal rescuer was in Poland helping European shelters and rescue groups bring pets from war-torn Ukraine to Polish nonprofits.

Mike Merrill, founder and executive director of Jacksonville-based Florida Urgent Rescue Inc., or FUR, was part of multiple group trips that crossed the border into Ukraine rescuing a total of 44 dogs and six cats, then returned to Poland. He said he was never fearful of attack. His focus was on the animals.

"Although many Ukrainians with pets are taking their animals with them when they evacuate, some animals are being turned away at buses and trains," said Merrill, who lives in St. Augustine. "They have to make the heartbreaking decision to get their family to safety or leave their pets behind. As rescue groups operating in Ukraine try to get these animals to safety, we all want to see them reunited if at all possible."

Read the rest of this story at WJCT News partner The Florida Times-Union.