Dani Matias
The season begins later this year. The state joins Tennessee and Kentucky as the third state east of the Mississippi River to permit sandhill crane hunting.
Researchers in the U.K. found that making eye contact with the hungry gulls may deter them from swiping your food.
At least 22 people died, including citizens of the U.S., Mexico and Germany.
The 7-year-old had long complained of pain and swelling in his jaw. Doctors say they found a "well-defined bag-like mass," which weighed 7 ounces and contained the toothlike "structures."
A study conducted by US Foods found that nearly 30% of drivers for food delivery services admitted to stealing a bite of food from their customer's order.
The country counted a total of 2,967 wild tigers, an increase of more than 30% in four years.
When students return to class next month in South Dakota, they'll be greeted by the national motto prominently displayed on school walls.
It's the first state in the nation to outlaw the practice, which animal-rights advocates say is equivalent to chopping off a person's fingers at the first knuckle.
The state, which has one of the higher suicide rates in the U.S., hopes the law will combat stigma around mental illness. Four teen activists encourage others to "admit when they're struggling."
More than a year after filing for bankruptcy, the chain is relaunching in Texas and New Jersey. Its new stores will feature spaces for toy demonstrations and events.