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Capital Report: February 20, 2024

A bill that would require K-12 students in Florida to learn the history of communism has overwhelmingly passed its second committee in the Senate. WMFE education reporter Danielle Prieur explains dozens of Floridians who experienced violence and persecution under communist regimes in Vietnam, Cuba, and Russia spoke in favor of the bill.

Florida lawmakers say a proposed ban on social media use for children under 16 is for their protection. The measure is awaiting a vote in the Senate. It was recently approved by the House but will have to go back to that chamber after the Senate made changes. Valerie Crowder reports young critics of the measure say it’s unnecessary.

A proposal to grant reparations to victims of abuse at several former Florida reform schools is moving through the legislature. Tristan Wood reports the proposal has come after decades of advocacy from the victims. And, a content warning: this story contains descriptions of child sexual abuse and assault.

A Tampa Senator introduced a bill in a state Senate committee would make changes to the way renewable energy is used in Florida. WMNF’s Chris Young reports the bill faced opposition from Democratic senators and climate activists.

Athletic coaches in Florida may soon be required to take and maintain C-P-R training. The proposal comes from state lawmakers who say kids and teens are too often experiencing sudden cardiac arrest. As Adrian Andrews reports, last week the Florida legislature took steps toward fixing the problem.