Both abortion-rights and anti-abortion supporters shared their thoughts on the overturning of Roe v. Wade. They discussed when they define as the start of life, what different doctrines advise on abortions, their communities’ responses to the decision and much more.
- Pastor Heath Lambert, First Baptist Church.
- The Rev. Sarah Locke, Jacksonville Campus Ministry.
- Pastor Anthony Bass, Endurance Church.
- Dr. Parvez Ahmed, board member, Interfaith Center of Northeast Florida; writer on the American Muslim perspective.
- Dr. Bernadette Williams, co-pastor, Household of Faith Church.
- The Rev. Adam Anderson, South Jacksonville Presbyterian Church.
First Coast Success
Logistics is a growing sector in Jacksonville, and the shipping industry is a significant part of it. Locally based company Trailer Bridge has succeeded in expanding across North America.
FCC 20220627.mp4