JEA set dynamic new goals at its recent board meeting to make the city’s publicly owned utility more environmentally friendly.
JEA is working toward 35% of its electricity coming from clean energy by using solar, nuclear and gas. Currently, that percentage is just 4%.
JEA is hosting a public forum next month here at WJCT Studios. We’re pleased to have a preview, as we welcome CEO Jay Stowe.
Chinese American concerns
Chinese Americans in Florida are protesting a bill they say is racist and discriminatory.
The measure would prevent some foreign governments and their officials from buying land within 20 miles of a U.S. military installation or critical infrastructure facility.
The Chinese American groups say the language is too broad, and it’ll lead to discrimination. Many fear it targets Floridians born and raised in China who have yet to become lawful permanent residents and will prevent them from buying houses or business property across most of the state.
We spoke with Dr. Wei Jhou, president of the Jacksonville Chinese Association, and past president Wen Raiti, along with her husband, Jon.
Jacksonville Symphony
Opera is returning to the Jacksonville Symphony this weekend with Mozart’s "The Magic Flute."
We're offering two pair of tickets to the Sunday performance. To enter, email First Coast and put "flute" in the subject.
Kristine McIntyre, stage director, and Kevin Fitzgerald, conductor, gave us a preview of the peformance.
Best Jax events
Cre8Jax just released its curated list of the hottest places to be around town this week and next. Local multimedia personality Catalina Selvagn is here to fill us in on what’s going on.