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First Coast Connect

On Monday’s show: Too hot for body — and mind

Elaine Thompson
AP file

A warming planet means more extreme weather of all kinds. And while the hazards of heat exposure are becoming more widely known, the connection between extreme heat and an individual’s mental health often flies under the radar. We talk with two health experts about the physical and mental dangers that also rise when the heat index soars.


Then, from dengue fever to alcohol on airplanes, we discuss the latest medical headlines — and take your health care questions — during our monthly House Call with Dr. Joe.


Plus, the director and two of the main cast members in Players by the Sea’s upcoming production of Tarzan swing by with a preview of the musical, set to music and lyrics by Phil Collins.


  • Mike Beaman, director.
  • Chris Berry, in the role of Tarzan.
  • Abigail Douglas, in the role of Jane.
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