The critically acclaimed documentary UNION explores the extraordinary work of Staten Island warehouse workers who successfully created the first-ever Amazon labor union. Ahead of a local screening of the film, we talk with local labor experts about what the story tells us about the challenges of organizing in a globalized economic landscape.
- Dr. Daniel Cronrath, United Faculty of Florida at Florida State College at Jacksonville.
- Dr. David Jaffee, United Faculty of Florida at the University of North Florida.
- Russell Harper, president of the North Florida Central Labor Council.
Then, eating for a healthier planet. An upcoming symposium focuses on how an individual’s diet affects climate change, and what everyone can do to make themselves — and the earth — more resilient. Discussions include plant based eating, reducing food waste and finding local sources for whatever you eat. Sierra Symposium for 2025 is from 10 a.m. to noon Saturday at the Tree Hill Nature Center Amphitheater.
- Allen Tilley, professor emeritus and editor of the Global Warming Study Group news list at the University of North Florida.
And, in space, dust isn’t just a nuisance. It’s seed material for stars, planets and even life. We get all the dirt from our resident spaceman ahead of the upcoming Planetarium Night Live program Vital Dust on April 11.
- Eddie Whisler, director of the planetarium at the Museum of Science & History.