Listeners Share Their Own Commencement Remarks For 2018 Graduates

School's out for the summer.

For thousands of students and their families, the end of the school year means graduation. 

We asked listeners what they would tell graduating students if given the chance to give a commencement speech.

Here are a few of their responses:

John Porretta teaches knowledge management at Miami-Dade College.

"No matter what you do in life nor with your education. The one thing that will help determine your success is your ability to know and use logic, even if you've never taken a logic course in college. You have worked hard for years in order to be where you're at today and graduate. But success does not stop here."

Catherine Martinez from Belle Glade Florida is a former middle and high school teacher. 

"I’m imagining what I would say to my graduating seniors this year. Today old stereotypes are breaking down. There are many more choices available to you. But the challenge is to choose wisely."

La-Shonda West of Cutler Bay:

"It is your mindset and determination that will get you through each experience one milestone at a time. Remember the past lives in the present and prepare for the future for these three measures of time will always influence you."

Gipsy Castellanos from Doral:

"I hope young folks have a plan for a career whether that involves a profession or a skilled trade. Either one is a pathway for a tranquil and secure life. Further, don't despair, follow your values and be sure to vote.

There is always a better tomorrow if you strive to make it so."

Rafael Valasquez from Kendall just finished his junior year at Miami Coral Park Senior High School.

"I would emphasize the importance of effort to succeed in life and warn about the dangers of expecting the world to owe you a living. I would implore the audience to pick their fights wisely and be considerate of those they choose to argue with to keep a cold temper. Above all else be considerate." 

Nigel Mann from West Palm Beach Florida:

"Never stop asking questions or learning to have an open mind. Be tolerant of people who don't share your legacy or religion. Remember that life has both rainy and sunny days."

Maggie Rolfing from Miami:

"Respect yourself. Respect others. Respect the earth.

Take care of yourself. Take care of others and take care of the earth.

Be responsible for yourself, be responsible for others and be responsible for the Earth. If you strive to do these things you will succeed in all the things that you will do."

Copyright 2018 WLRN 91.3 FM

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