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It’s that time of the year when we see deep red-orange -- and sometimes yellow -- flowers blooming on tall trees with wide branches all across South Florida. Royal Poinciana trees, or in Spanish Flamboyant, are in full bloom across the region. We asked listeners on Facebook and Twitter to share their Royal Poinciana photos and tell us why they love them.
"Poincianas are one of my absolute favorite things to photograph! I have dozens and dozens of poinciana photos. Here are some of my recent favorites." -Kerry Ball
"They’re truly a hallmark of the summer in South Florida!" -Alec Lopez
"I adore the 'flame trees' and did a 'stay in the car listening to complete the program just now. These magnificent trees (and others) have enormous root spread...comparable to the spread of the glorious top." -Karen Jones Banim An interview with Steve Pearson, the Executive Director of the University of Miami’s Gifford Arboretum, about Royal Poinciana Trees.
The tree will be celebrated this weekend at the 82nd Royal Poinciana Fiesta in Coral Gables and will include lectures, workshops and trolley tours around the neighborhood. Take a listen to WLRN's Danny Rivero talking to Steve Pearson, the Executive Director of the University of Miami’s Gifford Arboretum, on Sundial. They discussed the history of the blooming orange trees and the South Florida celebration. Pearson has spoken at Royal Poinciana Fiesta for 25 years.

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