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Meet The Candidate: Dwight Young


Dwight Young

Hometown: Born in Jamaica

Party affiliation: Republican

1) Why are you running For Senate?

I have decided to run for the US Senate because of what I see as the political betrayal of our Political leaders in regards to the Constitution of America. I see it as my civic duty to do something about this problem.

2) If facing a deficit, what parts of the budget would you cut and what would you promise not to cut and what would you promise not to cut?


  • a. Department of Education
  • b. Environmental Protection Agency
  • c. Pentagon
  • d. Any program that subsidizes abortion with tax dollars
  • e. Taxpayer subsidies to the United Nations intergovernmental panel on climate change
  • f. FDA
  • g. Entitlement Programs

Not cut: 

  • a. Veteran Administration
  • b. Military

3) What would you do to strengthen Florida's economy and create more well-paid jobs?

  • All Aboard Florida rail
  • Rebuild our infrastructure
  • Lower taxes
  • Total reset

4) Should the Second Amendment have limitations?

a) More or fewer than it has today?

The same.

b) Do you support prohibiting gun sales to people on an FBI terror watch list?


c) Banning certain types of weapons for civilians?


5) Please explain your position on energy. Do you support drilling off the coast of Florida/ the Eastern U.S.?

America has to rely more on alternative forms of energy instead of our lopsided dependence on oil. We must invest more in solar, wind and nuclear energy. Alternative energy is the future of America and it should be supported with adequate research and development in this area.

As to natural gas and fracking, I am not totally on board with the means of accessing this resource. It is said that fracking poses a danger to the environment, water and the people. If I can be persuaded by scientists and geologists that this form of extraction poses no danger to the people, environment and water, I will support it. If not, I will totally oppose it.

For America to be energy independent, we have to find a way to use all natural resources at our disposal. I do support oil drilling off the coast of Florida but there must be an implemented contingency plan in place to fully protect the coast in case there is a catastrophic event leading to the leaking of oil into the ocean. If this cannot be guaranteed, then I will not support it. Florida is a State that makes it’s living off the gulf and our pristine environment and ocean entices tourism from all over the world. The health of the Florida environment is of major economic importance to the community on a whole and it is a major concern of mine.

6) What should the federal government be doing to combat rising sea levelsand other effects of climate change?

Throughout my research regarding climate change, I have surmised that climate change is a process of the earth’s cycle of change that has been occurring since the age this planet.

Unfortunately, man has not devised a way to prevent this natural cycle from affecting our way of life. We may have a problem with Global warming due to the ozone layer being depleted, but to say that we can prevent climate change is a defeatist strategy.

If we were to say that we must prevent Global warming, then we have to cease flying planes, driving cars and cease all forms of manufacturing that produces gasseus emissions. We all know that this will not happen, so we are left with, how do we guard ourselves from this eventual problem?

During the ice age, the water in the polar caps was frozen. This led to a larger land mass in other parts of the world and larger land mass of ice stored in the polar caps. Since the temperature is now becoming warmer due to Global warming, the ice caps are melting and mother nature is re-occupying what she once vacated.

What we have to do is to 1st, build more sea walls along our coast and 2nd, retreat inland. I know that it is hard to leave what has been built and invested in, but we have no choice. We cannot stop mother nature and she will eventually have her way. We need to leave these coastline areas that will eventually be flooded.

7) Do you support Common Core education standards? Please explain.

I do not support common core. This type of lesson plan was basically made up to prepare the American child for a Globalized world. This type of education is being forced on our students although children, educators and schools object to it. What is wrong with how we were taught in the past? American innovators have been taught the old way and it has made America the greatest with how we have not only changed society but the world.

It has gotten so bad that our students are not being taught how to write in cursive. The basic goal in this new type of education system is meant to dumb down our students. When I am elected to Congress, I will put a stop to it.

8) What is your position on the Affordable Care Act?

The affordable care act is not a perfect system and needs to be amended to work better for all citizens. At this time, I have no choice but to support this act until Congress finds a solution to improve it. Once a bill hits my desk where I know that it will supplant the existing act, I will support repealing the act immediately. Until then, we have to go with what we have and encourage Congress to get to work in finding a substitute.

9) Florida’s median income hasn’t kept pace with inflation over the past decade. What policies do you advocate to change that in the decade ahead?

The minimum wage has to be increased but it has to be done in increments. I do propose a minimum wage starting at $10.00/hr. We need a tax cut for the middle class. We should also stop the printing of money. Toll charges on the roads must be decreased. Price for goods must reflect the price of fuel.

10) Should the U.S. trade embargo against Cuba be eliminated? With any conditions?

Yes, it should be eliminated. Why do we still have a Trade embargo with Cuba? As much as we may have a problem with Castro, we do not have a problem with the people of Cuba. Why must a nation be held hostage because of our personal embarrassment of not being able to defeat Castro? Basically, that is the problem.

If we are to establish an embargo with Cuba, why don’t we also do it with China, Russia or Iran. Maybe it’s because we are more comfortable bullying smaller foes who cannot stand up to us. Imagine the business we are losing not trading with Cuba. The EU, China, Russia and the rest of the World doesn’t mind us maintaining this embargo because they are the ones capitalizing off this mistake. The only condition that should be enacted is that any money spent on the Island, must be spent without the State being an intermediary. I am sure something can be worked out.

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