Navy officials: 'Earthquake' Off Coast of Daytona Beach Actually Underwater Explosion

Markolf Zimmer/Creative Commons

What registered as an earthquake Saturday off the coast of Daytona Beach was in fact an underwater explosion caused by the Navy, according to military officials.

The Navy was performing what’s called a shock trial on a new ship, the USS Jackson.

In an email to WJCT News, Navy spokesman Dale Eng said the test checked the ship’s ability to survive an underwater attack. It was conducted with a 10,000-pound explosive and was the last in a series of three such tests. The ship performed well, it stated.

Another one of test was conducted June 10. At about the same time as that test, a 3.7 magnitude earthquake was recorded.   

As the Navy tests its ships, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration is working to protect environmental features, such as preserving Sargassum rafts, and marine animals like sea turtles and marine mammals. She said there have been no observed deaths during any of the shock trials. 

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