Girls' Rights Week is an annual celebration of girls, advocating for their rights and positive change in the field of gender equity.
The week is being observed here on the First Coast with a special exhibit. The Girls Inc. PhotoVoice JAX 2025 Vision Project gives girls across the city cameras, and asks them to take pictures of where they see both themselves, and the city of Jacksonville, in the year 2025.
The PhotoVoice exhibit will be on display at a Girls' Rights Week reception on Thursday, May 16th, at the Haskell Building.
"We'll be honoring young girls for their achievements, and also some outstanding local women," says CEO Beth Clark.
Honorees include Olympic athlete Sanya Richards Ross, philanthropist Dottie Dorion, Jane Condon, founder of the LaVilla School of the Arts, and community activist Susan Remmer-Ryzewic.