With the 2014 hurricane season just beginning, Jacksonville officials are asking residents to become familiar with the city's new evacuation zones.
In the past, the strength of a storm — and how fast it was moving — determined in what order residents should evacuate and by what route they should leave town. The new zones use additional data, including storm surge and flooding information.
In the first of a series of interviews on hurricane preparedness, WJCT’s Michelle Corum spoke with Duval County Director of Emergency Preparedness Steven Woodard about the new map.
A hard copy of the new evacuation map is published in 2014-15 JaxReady Emergency Preparedness Guide, available at local Winn-Dixie stores and government buildings.
CLICK: See a searchable map of Jacksonville's new evacuation zones at JaxReady.org
You can follow Michelle Corum on Twitter @McorumonME.