As unemployment continues to rise due to COVID-19, some Floridians are facing a food crisis.
Feeding Northeast Florida is the largest food bank in the area, partnering with grocery stores, manufacturers and farms to distribute food to social service programs. Susan King, CEO of Feeding Northeast Florida, gave us more details.
Related: Local, State And National Coronavirus Coverage
Virtual Tourism
Coronavirus has been devastating to Florida’s tourism and hospitality industry. Michael Corrigan, the CEO of Visit Jacksonville is working to help the industry pivot to virtual tourism experiences. He joined us with more information.
Chinese Americans and Racism
The pandemic has sparked racism and prejudice against Chinese Americans. Lian An, an Economics professor at the University of North Florida and part of the Jacksonville Chinese Association (JCA), shared her concerns of bullying in local schools and explained what the JCA is doing to educate the community.
Cole Pepper
WJCT Sports Analyst Cole Pepper joined us with details about the upcoming virtual NFL Draft. He also discussed how long it might be until professional sports are played again and the shut down of the XFL football league.
Sarah Glenn can be reached at, 904-358-6317