Jacksonville gamers are holding a big fighting-game competition this Saturday.
The event called “Revival XV” is being hosted by the Good Luck Have Fun (GLHF) Game Bar, which is part of Chicago Pizza at The Jacksonville Landing.
Appearing Tuesday on First Coast Connect, gaming-bar manager Landon Paul said the hope is to generate more interest in fighting games in Jacksonville.
“We as a company itself outside of our relationships with other networking and stuff like that we try to be very focused with the fighting game community. It’s a very strong scene in Jacksonville and it’s something that we wanted to, you know, help grow ourselves, not to mention my role in the company and my huge passion for fighting games myself,” said Paul.
The games will begin at noon at WJCT Studios at 100 Festival Place on Saturday.
Paul says there will be games available for all levels of gamers.
Kevin Meerschaert can be reached at kmeerschaert@wjct.org, 904-358-6334 or on Twitter at @KMeerschaertJax.