U.S. Rep. Al Lawson was in Jacksonville this week to announce $2 million for the Clara White Mission, an urban farm helping to reduce a food desert in Northwest Jacksonville.
Lawson visited Clara White Mission’s White Harvest Farms & Market on Wednesday to announce the federal appropriation, which will be used for Phase II of the farm's development, including outdoor classrooms and raised beds, a farm processing and packing center, bees and beehives, a chicken coop and a farm bridge.
The Clara White Mission carries on the legacy of its founder, Dr. Eartha M. M. White, by continuing to develop the only urban farm in Northwest Jacksonville. More than 59% of the residents in the area suffer from low access to fresh and healthful foods due to poverty, low income and lack of available mainstream grocery stores, the mission said in a news release.

The 10.5-acre farm grows organic fruits and vegetables while revitalizing the neighborhood. The historical property has been in the mission’s portfolio since the 1920s, operating with funding from the community and the city of Jacksonville.
“In order to accomplish the vision of the mission and to help homeless veterans and low-income in our community, once White Harvest Farms & Market is completed, the site will be a valuable access to the residents for classes on growing, composting and resiliency," said CEO and President Ju’Coby Pittman. "The mission relies the help of local farmers, gardeners, hobbyists, volunteers and donors who support the mission’s cause.
"The opportunity to intentionally improve economic alignments in this food desert will create a platform for viability, availability and long-term sustainability."