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UNF Police Investigate Possible Hate Crime

Blake Allen
UNF Spinnaker

University of North Florida campus police are investigating Friday, one after a a noose was found hanging from a tree on the campus green.

Witnesses said hanging from the noose was a dragon head and a Sigma Beta Rho fraternity jacket. A student spotted the item and called police.

A witnesses, who wished to remain anonymous, said they saw four unknown males, two in hoodies and two wearing hats, hanging the jacket around 1:30 a.m.

UNF Police Chief Frank Mackesy told there is no evidence that the incident was directed at any specific person, race or ethnicity, but that is it was being investigated as a potential hate crime.

Rishav Sarangi, chapter president of Sigma Beta Rho, told the campus media reporter that he’s working to make sure the brothers of the fraternity are safe and that students at UNF are affected as little as possible.

Sigma Beta Rho is a fraternity originally created for the advancement of south Asian students, but has taken on a multicultural mission, encouraging members to actively embrace their cultural heritage.

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