Welcome to our new podcast Redux: The week in review from WJCT News.
The program is hosted by Vince Kong and features the best stories from the past week.

Business Brief: Tech Coast Attendees React To Google Fiber Slowdown
The big story in the tech world last week was the decision by Google to postpone the expansion of its high-speed fiber internet network in cities across the country, which includes Jacksonville.

Cummer Museum Director Resigns, Plans To Continue ‘Impacting Community’
The Cummer Museum’s Executive Director Hope McMath announces her resignation.

Harvard Report: Duval County Among US Death Penalty 'Outliers'
Florida’s 4th Judicial Circuit, which includes Duval County, is among a handful nationwide that sentence the majority of criminals to die. That’s according to a report titled “Too Broken to Fix” from Harvard University researchers.

Jacksonville Faith Leaders Protest ‘Overzealous’ Use Of Death Penalty
More than 50 Jacksonville faith leaders are calling for an end to the death penalty.

Congresswoman Corrine Brown And Lawyers ‘Break Up’; Trial Postponed Until November
The fraud trial of Congresswoman Corrine Brown will be postponed by a month after a judge ruled she needs more time to find a new lawyer.