Laura Klivans
People with compromised or supressed immune systems are especially vulnerable to the coronavirus. They are figuring out how to get by during this time of heightened concern about infections.
The intentional blackout in northern California is now in its third day. The longer it lasts, the harder it is for residents, businesses, and governments to cope.
As more states legalize marijuana, there's one group that's seen an increase in accidentally getting high: dogs. Discarded joints and THC edibles are just some of the ways dogs consume the drug.
San Francisco supervisors say they need to protect kids and teens from becoming addicted to nicotine. The dominant vaping company, Juul, is headquartered in the city and hopes to overturn the ban.
As more states legalize recreational and medicinal marijuana, veterinarians are treating more intoxicated dogs who've gotten into THC edibles, discarded joints or drug-laced feces.
A judge in California has overturned that state's physician-assisted suicide law. The state attorney general now has five days to appeal the ruling to keep the law in place.