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Capital Report: March 24, 2025

Governor Ron DeSantis visited Idaho and Montana Monday to ask those states to join Florida in calling for a constitutional convention. Tristan Wood reports the governor wants amendments to implement term limits and require Congress to balance its budget.

With Florida’s legislative session about one third of the way through, state Democrats are taking stock. During a press conference today (Monday) Florida House Democrats raised concerns about what’s been coming out of Washington D.C. and some bills supported by the state’s Republican leadership. Adrian Andrews reports.

Increasing crude production is helping drive down the cost of gasoline. In Florida, the latest AAA report pegs the statewide average per-gallon price at just under $3.00.

The state of Florida requires people convicted of domestic violence to participate in batterers’ intervention programs. The programs have been in place for 30 years, but as Margie Menzel reports, lawmakers are now looking into a change that would allow those programs to include more faith-based components.