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First Coast Connect

Gun violence; Overdose Awareness Day; weekend events; 904 Day

As gun violence becomes more prevalent, some double down on their right to carry.
Dan Scanlan
WJCT News 89.9
As gun violence becomes more prevalent, some double down on their right to carry.

After three people were shot to death at Dollar General in Jacksonville, many community members are demanding stricter gun legislation. However, some argue that guns are not the problem.

Eric Friday, a trial attorney specializing in constitutional law, with expertise in the areas of firearms law and Second Amendment rights, joins the conversation. He is a registered lobbyist and lead counsel for Florida Carry Inc.

Overdose Awareness Day

Today is International Overdose Awareness Day, a day to bring attention to the opioid crisis and recognize the friends and families who have lost loved ones to drug addiction.

Dr. Lantie Jorandby, chief medical officer of Lakeview Health Addiction Treatment and Recovery, gives us more details about this epidemic and ways to reduce overdose deaths.

Cre8Jax picks

Yaya Cardona of Cre8Jax stops in to give us this week’s most anticipated local events. From festivals to art showings, she’s got you covered.

904 Day WJCT Pledge Drive

Sept. 4th is the day we commemorate all things Duval. What better way to celebrate than to support Jacksonville’s community-owned public media station?

David McGowan, president and CEO of WJCT Public Media, gives a rundown of all the ways you can support WJCT.

Stay Connected
Stacey Bennett is the producer of "First Coast Connect" and "What's Health Got to Do With It?" She is a Jacksonville-based singer-songwriter who performs under the nom de plume Folk is People. Stacey holds bachelor's degrees in both political science and psychology from the University of North Florida and a master's in business administration from Saint Leo University.