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First Coast Connect

UNF poll shows more support for community investment than stadium

Proposed rendering of stadium renovations.
Jacksonville Jaguars
Rendering of proposed stadium renovations.

A new poll released Monday shows nearly double the support for community investment around the stadium than for stadium renovations themselves. It’s just one of the eye-opening discoveries in a survey by the University of North Florida’s Public Opinion Research Lab, which is run by our guest Michael Binder.

Then, after U.S. District Judge Timothy Corrigan denied an injunction, enforcement of Jacksonville’s panhandling ban will continue as the case progresses. We discuss the latest developments with Charlie McGee, poverty reporter for The Tributary.

And, Women Writing for a Change hosts its third annual Author Showcase and Book Festival. The event celebrates Jacksonville’s five women-owned independent bookstores and emphasizes the need for access and representation of diverse books in all communities.


Plus, an update to the classic noir film DOA — this one incorporating St. Augustine as a central element. We talk to director Kurt St. Thomas about why he wanted to transport this cinematic classic to his new hometown.

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