Zorba Paster On Your Health is a popular radio show hosted by Dr. Zorba Paster, a renowned physician and medical expert. The show focuses on providing practical and reliable health advice to listeners, covering a wide range of topics related to physical and mental well-being. Dr. Paster combines his medical expertise with a warm and approachable demeanor, making complex medical information accessible and engaging for all. Listeners can expect informative discussions on subjects like nutrition, fitness, mental health, disease prevention, and the latest medical advancements. With a commitment to empowering individuals to take charge of their health, "Zorba Paster On Your Health" serves as a valuable resource for anyone seeking reliable health information and practical tips for leading a healthy and balanced life.
This week Zorba and Karl look at new research that finds cutting 1 teaspoon of salt works as well as blood pressure meds, and they talk about if Ecotherapy really works. Plus, they share a delicious recipe for a Mediterranean tuna salad.
This week Zorba and Karl look at new research that finds hearing loss may lead to more falls, and they discuss a study that found riding a bike in middle school may boost mental health. Plus, they share a delicious recipe for Peruvian chicken soup.
This week Zorba and Karl examine the new guidelines for TV drug ads recently rolled out by the FDA, and they discuss new research that found small amounts of vigorous physical exertion may halve major cardiovascular risks in women. Plus, they share a delicious recipe for Roasted parsnips and carrots.
This week Zorba and Karl talk about how 20 minutes of daily physical activity may offset the death risk from prolonged sitting, and they discuss why a decline in independent play may be the cause of children's declining mental health. Plus, they share a delicious recipe for a Sweet potato pecan casserole.
This week Zorba and Karl discuss research on how light can affect our health, and they look at new research that found memories are found in other parts of the body other than our brain. Plus, they share a delicious recipe for Paella-style mushroom and roasted red bell pepper rice.
This week Zorba and Karl discuss research that shows the effects sugar can have on children later in life, and they look at how an extra five minutes of exercise per day can lower blood pressure. Plus, they share a delicious guest chef recipe for Spicy Mango Salad.
This week Zorba and Karl talk about why you should eat your veggies first, and they discuss if naps are healthy. Plus, they share a delicious Grape and feta salad recipe.
This week Zorba and Karl discuss research that shows renting rather than owning a home linked to faster aging, and they look at how bacteria at day care might raise kids' odds for asthma. Plus, they share a delicious guest chef recipe for Kungpao meatballs.
This week Zorba and Karl look at research about what sleeping position is best, and they discuss a study that suggests people who exercise regularly have healthier belly fat. Plus, they share a delicious recipe for Colombian Salad.
This week Zorba and Karl discuss how certain foods can improve your mood, and they talk about the FDA claiming a decongestant in popular cold medicines doesn’t work at all. Plus, they share a tasty recipe for Green coconut curry lentil soup.