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Youth Fair Won’t Alter Opening Day In Wake Of Nearby FIU Bridge Collapse

Miami-Dade County Youth Fair & Exposition at Tamiami Park and 107th Avenue.
Miami Herald
Miami-Dade County Youth Fair & Exposition at Tamiami Park and 107th Avenue.

An hour after the collapse of the FIU bridge on Southwest Eighth Street, opening day for the nearby Miami-Dade County Youth Fair & Exposition at Tamiami Park went on as planned.

“We are truly saddened to learn of those that have lost their lives or were injured,” the Fair said in a statement. “We send our sincere sympathy and condolences to those affected by this tragedy.”

Traffic, however, is heavily affected. Southwest Eighth Street from the Turnpike to Southwest 107th Avenue is closed until further notice. The bridge crosses Eighth Street at Southwest 109th Avenue.

Read more at our news partner, the Miami Herald.

Copyright 2018 WLRN 91.3 FM

Howard Cohen