Florida's Capital City held its Fourth Annual Experience Tallahassee Festival on Saturday, Jan. 13 at Cascades Park. The event began as a way to better acquaint local college and university students with all the community has to offer.

Knight Creative Communities Institute Consultant Mike Pate noted the area's student population now exceeds 60,000.
"The whole focus for us was to introduce the students to the community," he said.
That community values and welcomes them, stressed Mayor John Dailey. "This is what Tallahassee is all about and what this festival is all about," he said after delivering an official welcome from the Cascades Park Amphitheater stage.
All those students will need jobs, so Jim McShane was ready to help them at the Career Source Capital Region booth.
"We can look at whatever their skills are coming out of college or trade school and help them find the right company to go work for."
Although Jocelyne Fliger with Elder Care Services noted another population is giving the students a run for their money.
"The fastest-growing population in Tallahassee is going to be seniors," she said. "And Elder Care is here to serve them."
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