City Council President Anna Lopez Brosche acknowledged that many supporters have urged her to run for mayor, and said she is “keeping all options open” when it comes to her political future in Jacksonville.

Brosche spoke about JEA, tensions between her and Jacksonville Mayor Lenny Curry as well as the road ahead when her term ends in June on Wednesday’s First Coast Connect.
After her term as Council President ends on June 30, she said she’ll be “seeking clarity” in terms of what her next step will be.
With the privatization of JEA now off the table, there is still much to be discussed regarding the future of the utility and the city of Jacksonville, said Brosche. “We as a council should understand more about JEA. Clearly there are a lot of questions.”
Related: Listen to Brosche's full interview
Brosche also acknowledged the often tense relationship between herself and Curry. “There is a trust issue, on both sides,” she said. “I will never part with the fundamental belief that is takes two to tango.”
Brosche said she’s tired of the “bullying and intimidation” coming from the mayor’s office, and added she has reason to believe her and her assistant’s movements and online communications have been “monitored” at City Hall.
“I learned that my assistant’s computers have been monitored,” because she was trying to log off and could not because someone else was in the account.
Michael Binder, who heads UNF's Public Opinion Research Laboratory calls the dynamic between Curry and Brosche "really fascinating."
"Absent a viable Democrat seriously challenging Curry, I would suspect there could be an avenue for another Republican to make a run. Whether or not Brocshe takes that chance or stands pat and waits five years, which is a political eternity, is yet to be determined. But if she can manage to line up support from a few big funders, that race could be very competitive."
Both Brosche and Curry are Republicans. Jacksonville's election differs from the state in that the city will hold a first election and a general election in 2019.
The first election - which essentially acts like a primary - is open to all voters, regardless of party.
The candidate with a majority vote in the first election is declared the winner. If no one receives a majority of the votes, the top two vote getters move on to the general election.
A majority of the vote is considered is 50 percent plus one.