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JTA Will Expand Express Bus Service Into Nassau County

JTA will be expanding its bus service into Nassau County in December.

Starting this winter, JTA will offer direct bus service between Yulee and downtown Jacksonville.

The JTA Board approved an inter-local agreement Tuesday with the Nassau County Council on Aging/NassauTRANSIT  to create the Nassau-Duval Regional Express Bus Service.

The new route is scheduled to start December 3, which will coincide with a number of other upgrades.

“We will be launching the Red Line which is the next corridor, known as the East Corridor, of the First Coast Flyer Bus Rapid Transit System. And so when we launch the Red Line, we’ve got some other enhancements and this fits nicely into those changes,” said JTA spokeswoman Leigh Ann Rassler

Rassler said plans call for two morning and three evening trips between Yulee and Jacksonville.  Other details are still being worked out.

Credit JTA
New regional express bus service will run between downtown Jacksonville and Yulee beginning in December.

“We are excited about offering another public transportation option to all residents in Nassau County,” said Janice Ancrum, NCCOA President and CEO. “JTA has the expertise and resources to leverage NassauTRANSIT’s mobility services within and across our own county.”

A public meeting is planned for August 23 at Florida State College at Jacksonville’s Nassau Center.

The new service will be funded by the Florida Department of Transportation for its first three years of operation.

Contact reporter Cyd Hoskinson at choskinson@wjct.org, 904-358-6351 and on Twitter @cydwjctnews.

Cyd Hoskinson began working at WJCT on Valentine’s Day 2011.