Hans Tanzler III appeared on First Coast Connect on Thursday to talk with Melissa Ross about the Florida 4th District Congressional race.
WJCT’s own Cat Davis talked about her new social media campaign to celebrate poetry and public personalities.
Hans Tanzler
Tanzler said he is running for Congress as a “conservative outsider” who can bring needed change to Washington. Tanzler said he would focus on transferring more control to the local level. He supports cutting the budgets of the Environmental Protection Agency, the IRS and the U.S. Department of Labor by 50 percent while eliminating the Departments of Education and Housing and Urban Development. Tanzler is one of seven Republicans looking to win the Aug. 30 primary and move on to the November general election to replace the retiring Ander Crenshaw.
When Davis isn’t greeting visitors at the front door or working in WJCT’s mailroom, she likes to write poetry.
Davis has created a new social media campaign: #PoetryExposure. With it she encourages people share their own poetic writings with the world.
Producer Kevin Meerschaert can be reached at kmeerschaert@wjct.org, 904-358-6334 or on Twitter @KMeerschaertJax