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First Coast Connect

2/21/19: Bees & Bugs; Moral Courage Holocaust Portraits; The Specktator

Bee Friends Farm
A beekeeper at Bee Friends Farm

It might seem “unbeelievable,” but a new study suggests that 40 percent of insect species - including bees - are in decline and could die out within decades. 

We took a closer look at how this could potentially impact us in Northeast Florida with:

  •  Michael Leach, Founder, Bee Friends Farm
  • Paul Sifton, Partner, Bee Friends Farm
  • Jaret C. Daniels, Associate Professor, Lepidoptera Research and Insect Conservation at the University of Florida.

Credit Frisch Family Holocaust Memorial Gallery
"Rescuers: Portraits of Moral Courage" exhibit at Jewish Family & Community Services’ Frisch Family Holocaust Memorial Gallery.

'Rescuers: Portraits of Moral Courage from the Holocaust' 

The Jewish Family & Community Services headquarters here in Jacksonville is home to the only Holocaust Memorial Gallery between Atlanta and Miami - The Frisch Family Holocaust Gallery.

The gallery has just opened an exhibit called Rescuers: Portraits of Moral Courage from the Holocaust, focusing on the individuals who risked their lives to protect those persecuted during WWII.

Gay Block, the exhibition’s critically-acclaimed photographer, and gallery curator Hope McMath joined us with more.

A past World of Nations Celebration
Credit World of Nations Celebration

The Specktator

Kerry Speckman, aka ‘The Specktator,” joined us with her top picks for the weekend: 

5.) Moe’s Lacrosse Classic

4.) Sarah McLachlan

3.) MEOWMASTÉ (Yoga with Cats)

2.) Riverside Craft Beer Festival

1.) 27th Annual World of Nations Celebration

Heather Schatz can be reached at, 904-358-6334 or on Twitter at @heatherschatz.

First Coast Connect first coast connect
Heather is the senior producer of WJCT 89.9 FM talk shows including First Coast Connect with Melissa Ross, the Florida Roundup and What's Health Got to Do with It?