Well known attorney John Morgan is being cagey about a possible political future.
The Orlando-based attorney, with offices in Jacksonville, took to Twitter over the holiday weekend to talk about whether he might enter the gubernatorial race.
Morgan ruled out a run as a Democrat or a Republican, tweeting, “I can’t muster enthusiasm for any of today’s politicians. They are all the same. Both parties. I plan to register as an Independent and when I vote, vote for the lesser of two evils.
While that would evidently indicate Morgan will not run, he concluded his tweet by saying, “And if I ever ran, run as an Independent.”

Morgan also said on Twitter it was “amazing to be leading the polls for Governor without being a candidate.”
Morgan didn’t site the poll he was referring to but a September Florida Chamber of Commerce poll with some hypothetical match ups for governor showed Morgan tied with fellow top ranked Democrat Gwen Graham, both at 37%, when pitted against Republican Adam Putnam.
There is also a “draft John Morgan” for governor website called forthegovernor.com, which is a play on words of his law firm’s catchphrase, “For The People.”
The site was launched by “For The Governor PC,” which is a Political Action Committee with a Miami address. So far the PAC has received a $25,000 donation and spent $17,180, according to the Florida Department of State Division of Elections.
Morgan does have experience navigating the world of politics. He has been a strong advocate of legalizing medical marijuana in Florida and largely bankrolled the medical-marijuana ballot initiative that passed in 2016.
Video: Morgan Elaborates On His Social Media Comments
Morgan tweets
Leading the early polls was fun. But you have to have the fire to run for the nomination. Many think I was blocking others from getting traction and money. Hopefully this move allows others to inspire and catch on. https://t.co/jKXUE0cZD2
— John Morgan (@JohnMorganESQ) November 27, 2017
Spent all of Thanksgiving with my whole family. While it’s amazing to be leading the polls for Governor without being a candidate I can’t muster the enthusiasm to run for the nomination
— John Morgan (@JohnMorganESQ) November 24, 2017
And I can’t muster enthusiasm for any of today’s politicians. They are all the same. Both parties. I plan to register as an Independent and when I vote, vote for the lesser of two evils. And if I ever ran, run as an Independent. #ForThePeople
— John Morgan (@JohnMorganESQ) November 24, 2017
.@JohnMorganESQ day after Thanksgiving:
— Matt Dixon (@Mdixon55) November 24, 2017
I'm leaving Dem Party. May run for gov as an independent
Dem gov field is weak@SenBillNelson should run for governor, not Senate. Way for him to leave a "legacy"
Thinks @KathyFndzRundle will get in Senate race
Bill Bortzfield can be reached at bbortzfield@wjct.org, 904-358-6349 or on Twitter at @BortzInJax.