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The Jaxson: Express Lanes In Mandarin Could Be Just The Beginning Of Local Tolls

The Jaxson
Traffic delineators are in the process of being installed to separate toll and general use lanes.

Many may say Jacksonville doesn't want to become the next Atlanta but the growing width of its interstate system suggests that's where the River City is headed. Here's a brief look and update on the development of the First Coast's first express lane project as it pushes closer to completion.

I-295 will soon be a minimum of 10 lanes between the Buckman Bridge and I-95. Four lanes will be tolled using variable pricing based on congestion. Six lanes will be for general use.

The Florida Department of Transportation began construction in October 2014 on the project described as an “expressway within an expressway.”

Along the inside median of the interstate, the new lanes will be tolled using variable pricing based on congestion. Sensors alongside the road will monitor traffic levels and speed. Because the project does not include toll booths, drivers using the new express lanes will need to use SunPass.

Read more and see a map of all the potential express lanes in Northeast Florida at The Jaxson.