While the COVID-19 pandemic is causing heartbreak and stress, it’s also bringing out some of the best in people.
One example is the #904rainbowhunt, which has been trending on local social media.
Families are encouraged make a rainbow, snap a picture, put it on social media and then join in the hunt for other rainbows online or at socially responsible distances in their neighborhoods.
In Secret Woods on Jacksonville’s Southside, the Carter family has the most elaborate display.
“On social media we had seen some inspirational chalk art. Then we saw the hashtag #904rainbowhunt and decided that it was a fun way to do something to try to brighten the neighborhood," said mom Julie Carter.

They were also inspired by the Duval County Public Schools' Chalk the Walk, which encourages some good ole’ fashioned Duval spirit.
The Carters' chalk art is filled with positivity: thanking nurses, grocery workers, doctors, delivery people, teachers, caregivers, farmers, police, firefighters, sanitation workers and other essential workers who are keeping things going during the pandemic.

“Every couple of days we’ve been, like, printing it off and drawing more stuff. So it’s kind of done - but not - at the same time," said 10-year-old Ramona Carter.
Simon Carter, age 6, worked on the giant mosaic at the top of this story. The idea is catching on in Secret Woods and other Jacksonville neighborhoods.
“Our neighbors did some chalk down there on their driveway too,” Simon said.
If you’d like to take part in the social media fun, here are some hashtags to search and use: #ChalkWalkDuval, #DuvalHomeRoom and #904rainbowhunt.
We'd also love to see what you come up with. Please post your pictures in the comments section of this WJCT Facebook post.

Bill Bortzfield can be reached at bbortzfield@wjct.org, 904-358-6349 or on Twitter at @BortzInJax.