Nancy Klingener
Nancy Klingener covers the Florida Keys for WLRN. Since moving to South Florida in 1989, she has worked for the Miami Herald, Solares Hill newspaper and the Monroe County Public Library.
She is a Spring 2014 graduate of the Transom Story Workshop. She is on the board of the Key West Literary Seminar.
Fantasy Fest usually brings tens of thousands of people to the island, culminating in a big Saturday night parade. Organizers announced Monday that the parade, along with street fairs, are canceled this year.
Since the coronavirus pandemic began, cruise ships have been shut down. In Key West, Fla., which has been long dependent on tourism, local officials have noticed cleaner water and fewer crowds.
KEY WEST — When the bell rang at the end of a recent Thursday at Horace O'Bryant School, Lamesha Portier was stationed with a cart in the courtyard. It…
Big Pine Key was the epicenter for Hurricane Irma's impact on the Florida Keys back in September of 2017. The eye of the category four storm went just...
Marine debris — or trash in the water — is a problem everywhere including the Florida Keys. And it got a lot worse when Hurricane Irma crashed across...
Johnny Mercer wrote the lyrics to songs like "Moon River" and "Accentuate the Positive" — music that is part of the Great American Songbook. Some Mercer...
A commercial fisherman in the Florida Keys has been sentenced in a case involving undersized lobsters. The sentence also keeps him out of the water for...
For decades, most of the news about coral reefs has been pretty gloomy. Now the Florida Keys National Marine Sanctuary is launching a new mission to...
After Hurricane Irma slammed into the Florida Keys in September 2017, the island chain saw a drop in visitors. Now the primary industry in the Keys is...
The Monroe County Public Library system is celebrating its 60th birthday this month. But the Key West library calls itself South Florida's oldest,...