Steve Newborn
Steve Newborn is WUSF's assistant news director as well as a reporter and producer at WUSF covering environmental issues and politics in the Tampa Bay area.
He’s been with WUSF since 2001, and has covered events such as President George W. Bush’s speech in Sarasota as the Sept. 11 attacks unfolded; the ongoing drama over whether the feeding tube should be removed from Terri Schiavo; the arrest and terrorism trial of USF professor Sami Al-Arian; how the BP Deepwater Horizon spill affected Florida; and he followed the Florida Wildlife Corridor Expedition through the state - twice.
Before joining WUSF, he covered environmental and Polk County news for the Tampa Tribune and worked for NASA at the Kennedy Space Center during the early days of the space shuttle.
Conservationists in Florida are trying to preserve a wildlife corridor for migrating animals that runs through Disney World. (Story aired on All Things Considered on Oct. 26, 2023.)
Conservationists in Florida are trying to preserve a wildlife corridor for migrating animals that runs straight through Disney World.
Florida's Democratic Party had it's worst-ever showing during November's elections. The new head of the state party says she's working on a plan to reconnect with potential voters.
More than 2,000 of the gentle sea cows have died in Florida in the last two years, mainly from algae blooms that smothers the sea grasses they need to survive.
Free speech advocates say new rules limiting demonstrations at the state capitol threaten the First Amendment rights of Floridians.
Southerly winds are pushing the red tide blooms northward into Pinellas County.
A proposal in the state Legislature would dramatically increase the number of students who are eligible for school vouchers. It could come with a huge price tag.
The state will have a completely Republican cabinet and possible supermajorities in the state Legislature, and the future of Florida Democrats is uncertain as a result.
Nikki Fried says she will seek to phase out the use of a commonly used product that is blamed for one of the worst causes of ocean pollution.
State officials announced they would accept federal money to help low-income families get food for their children. Many people in the region, including Feeding Tampa Bay say there's a real need for help.