This week, Democratic candidate CharlieCrist's campaign debuted his first television ad in the heated gubernatorial race.
In the ad, Crist says that during his last stint as governor, from 2007 to 2011, he saved the jobs of 20,000 teachers and cut property taxes for middle class seniors. He also promises, if elected, to raise the minimum wage, demand equal pay for women and to restore school funding.
TheCristcampaign declined to comment on how much they spent on the television spot, titled "Sunshine."
Crist's chief opponent, Governor Rick Scott, has had advertisements airing for almost nine months. His political committee, Let's Get to Work, has spent about $12 million on those television spots.
Just six months ago, a Saint Leo University poll said Crist was in the lead. However, recent polls now show the two candidates in a statistical tie.
You can watch the full advertisement below.
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