As the story goes, the “last of the Timucua,” a man named Juan Alonso Cabale, died in Cuba in 1767. The details of Cabale’s death are true, but over time they have been fused into a broader false narrative that affects the indigenous people of Florida to this day.
Nueva Descripción de la Costa Oriental, y Septentrional de las Provincias de la Florida by Juan Jose Eligio de la Puente, 1768 at (the Timucua village appears as #80 on this map)
Borderland Empires in Transition: The Triple Nation Transfer of Florida by Robert L. Gold, 1969 (available at JPL)
“An 18th Century Community in Exile: the Floridianos in Cuba” by Jane Landers in New West Indian Guide, 1996 at
The Timucua by Jerald Milanich, 1996 (available at JPL)
“The Seminole War” in Newbern Spectator, 6/10/1836 at
“East Florida in the American Revolution, 1775-1778” by Edgar Legare Pennington in Florida Historical Quarterly, 1930 at
Personal Interview John E. Clark by Rose Shepherd in Folder 1001: Three Interviews (p13), 1936 at
A Narrative of the Life and Sufferings of Mrs. Jane Johns by Andrew Welch in A Narrative of the Early Days and Remembrances of Oceola Nikkanochee, Prince of Econchatti (p301), 1837 at
Image Credit:
“Nueva Descripción de la Costa Oriental, y Septentrional de las Provincias de la Florida,” by Juan Joseph Elixio de la Puente, 1768, at
Music Credit: “The Last Timucuan,” by Emmett Carlisle
Voice actors (in order of appearance):
- Patrick Tonyn, a British Governor: Keith Snow
- Rose Shepherd, interviewer for the Federal Writers’ Project: Jenn Koger