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The ‘Last of the Timucua’

A 1768 map of Florida.
Juan Joseph Elixio de la Puente
Biblioteca Virtual de Defensa
A 1768 map of Florida.


As the story goes, the “last of the Timucua,” a man named Juan Alonso Cabale, died in Cuba in 1767. The details of Cabale’s death are true, but over time they have been fused into a broader false narrative that affects the indigenous people of Florida to this day.


Nueva Descripción de la Costa Oriental, y Septentrional de las Provincias de la Florida by Juan Jose Eligio de la Puente, 1768 at (the Timucua village appears as #80 on this map)

Borderland Empires in Transition: The Triple Nation Transfer of Florida by Robert L. Gold, 1969 (available at JPL)

“An 18th Century Community in Exile: the Floridianos in Cuba” by Jane Landers in New West Indian Guide, 1996 at

The Timucua by Jerald Milanich, 1996 (available at JPL)

“The Seminole War” in Newbern Spectator, 6/10/1836 at

“East Florida in the American Revolution, 1775-1778” by Edgar Legare Pennington in Florida Historical Quarterly, 1930 at

Personal Interview John E. Clark by Rose Shepherd in Folder 1001: Three Interviews (p13), 1936 at

A Narrative of the Life and Sufferings of Mrs. Jane Johns by Andrew Welch in A Narrative of the Early Days and Remembrances of Oceola Nikkanochee, Prince of Econchatti (p301), 1837 at

Image Credit:

“Nueva Descripción de la Costa Oriental, y Septentrional de las Provincias de la Florida,” by Juan Joseph Elixio de la Puente, 1768, at

Music Credit: “The Last Timucuan,” by Emmett Carlisle

Voice actors (in order of appearance):

  • Patrick Tonyn, a British Governor: Keith Snow
  • Rose Shepherd, interviewer for the Federal Writers’ Project: Jenn Koger
Special Projects Producer Brendan Rivers joined WJCT News in August of 2018 after several years as a reporter and then News Director at Southern Stone Communications, which owns and operates several radio stations in the Daytona Beach area.
Jennifer Grey serves as the Public Services Coordinator for Florida State College at Jacksonville’s Library and Learning Commons, where she also oversees the college’s archives.
Tammy Cherry is a professor of English at Florida State College at Jacksonville.
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