Amid soaring housing costs and increased abortion restrictions, the prevalence of maternity homes has grown by almost 40% nationwide in the past two years. But conditions in the homes vary, oversight is lax and a new investigation found rules so coercive and constraining that some believe they border on abuse. In Jacksonville, residents of one maternity home said they were required to get written approval to leave the premises for more than 30 minutes and were required to give up their cellphones overnight.
- Laura Morel, investigative reporter for Reveal, covering reproductive health.
Then, after his opponent, Ellen Glasser, had to leave the race for health reasons, Atlantic Beach Mayor Curtis Ford faces reelection unopposed. We ask him what to expect in a second term, and take your calls and questions.
And, an upcoming Art Walk begins at St. John's Cathedral with Hope McMath’s latest exhibition, Legacy Interrupted, and ends at Yellow House Gallery in Riverside. The event poses the question, “What’s Going On?”
- St. John’s Episcopal Cathedral Bookstore manager Kathryn Bissette.
- The Very Rev. Kate Moorehead Carroll, dean of St. John’s Cathedral.