With concerns about politics, the planet and the economy on the rise, more people are turning to spending as a form of self-soothing. We talk to financial experts about the trend as well as the perils of “doom spending” in troubled times.
- Michelle Hughes, program director at Lutheran Social Services, Steps 2 Success.
- Melissa Chester, economic development program officer, LISC Jacksonville.
- Inga Timmerman, CPA, assistant professor of finance at the University of North Florida.
Then, from Ray Charles to 95 South, Rosemond Johnson and the Allman Brothers, Cowford Chronicles showcases Jacksonville’s musical history and celebrates its signature sounds. We talk to the creators of the documentary series about why they’re tackling the project and the story they hope to tell.
- Michael Fitzgerald, writer/producer of Cowford Chronicles.
- Sharon Y. Cobb, production consultant, Cowford Chronicles.
And, a familiar name with a new title. In his new book, James R. Anthony: The Banker Who Shaped Florida’s History, local author Vic DiGenti tells the story of a Florida Man like no other.
- Vic DiGenti, author and former executive producer of the Jacksonville Jazz Festival.