Before we turn the page on 2024, we wanted to explore the year’s best reads from the people who know books best. We asked four literary champions to bring us their list of recommendations for holiday reads, last-minute gifts and books that will get even stubborn kids reading. From tales of courage and revolution to page-turning thrillers, we’ll discuss their faves — and what’s next on their nightstand.
- Erika Alfieri, metadata and cataloging librarian at the Jacksonville Public Library.
- Angie Nixon, Florida state representative and owner of Cafe Resistance Bookstore.
- Rhona Brinlee, owner of The BookMark.
- Tricia Booker, journalism instructor at the University of North Florida, author of The Place of Peace and Crickets.
Then, a literal path to literacy. We tell you about the new StoryWalk along the city’s Emerald Trail. The first display features Flower Garden by Eve Bunting, illustrated by Kathryn Hewitt.
- Claire Olson, literacy project manager at the Jacksonville Public Library.
- Katie Ensign, vice president of community investment and impact at Baptist Health.
And, how trade wars, AVs and EVs are disrupting the global automotive landscape. We get the latest with WJCT’s resident gearhead.
- Dan Scanlan, reporter at WJCT News 89.9.
Plus, after the Jags’ weekend in Vegas, News4Jax sportscaster Alessandra Pontbriand joins us for her weekly breakdown of the team’s performance.