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What's Health Got to Do with It?

Stroke awareness; understanding diabetes

If a stroke is suspected, the patient should immediately be transported to the emergency room.

On this week’s episode, Dr. Joe Sirven and his guests discuss stroke, a condition that occurs when blood flow to the brain is blocked. They identify signs and symptoms of stroke, stroke treatment and lifestyle factors that contribute to one’s risk of a brain attack.


Then, we examine diabetes, a chronic disease that affects how the body converts food into energy. Dr. Arpeta Gupta, a practicing endocrinologist, discusses the three types of diabetes, symptoms, treatments and the latest in regenerative medicine.

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Stacey Bennett is the producer of "First Coast Connect" and "What's Health Got to Do With It?" She is a Jacksonville-based singer-songwriter who performs under the nom de plume Folk is People. Stacey holds bachelor's degrees in both political science and psychology from the University of North Florida and a master's in business administration from Saint Leo University.