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What's Health Got to Do with It?

Exploring common hand surgery conundrums; space drug discovery

Theo Lopez, 11, reveals a scar on his right pinkie from an injury he sustained while carving a Halloween pumpkin at age 9. He required complex surgery and numerous rounds of doctor-ordered occupational therapy.
Heidi de Marco
Kaiser Health News
Theo Lopez, 11, reveals a scar on his right pinkie from an injury he sustained while carving a Halloween pumpkin at age 9. He required complex surgery and numerous rounds of doctor-ordered occupational therapy.

On this week’s program, Dr. Joe Sirven and his guests discuss hand trauma and surgery procedures. According to the National Institutes of Health, hand trauma is a common condition that may affect an individual’s physical, functional and emotional well-being. One quarter of the brain’s motor cortex is dedicated to moving the hand muscles. Dr. Abdelghaffar, an orthopedic hand surgeon, explains the difference between various types of hand trauma and treatments.


  • Dr. Abdelghaffar Salous, orthopedic hand surgeon with HCA Florida Physicians.
  • John Chevier, hand surgery patient.

Then, we explore space with Dr. Catriona Jamieson and learn how a newly created astrobiotechnology hub uses low Earth orbit for groundbreaking stem cell research.


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