Jaxport on Tuesday welcomed the largest container ship ever to call on the port. As many as nine of the giant ships could arrive weekly.
The proposed state budget includes $75 million for a University of Florida campus in Jacksonville and $30 million to replace cranes at Jaxport, among others.
The $400 million project deepened the channel to 47 feet from 40, allowing larger ships to use the port.
The Switzerland-based company’s biweekly North European rotation services food and beverage, auto parts and forest products.
JAXPORT says that raising power lines will allow larger ships into the newly deepened St. Johns River harbor.
The recent deepening of the harbor is already bringing larger vessels to the port.
Cargo handled through Florida's seaports was up at least 75% in 2021 from before the COVID-19 pandemic, according to a Florida Ports Council report. But the cruise industry is still a year or two from regaining pre-pandemic strength.
The move was one of two announced Monday to increase revenue and containers shipped through Jacksonville's port.
The Army Corps of Engineers says the lines need to be 20 feet higher for larger ships to pass through. The lines are currently 175 feet above the water line.
The berth improvements at Blount Island allow the port to simultaneously handle two of the largest cargo ships.