Some of WJCT's best known voices will join local film experts later this month to host and provide insight during The 3x5 Classic Film Festival.The festival, scheduled for March 28-30 at the Ponte Vedra Concert Hall, will include screenings of Citizen Kane, The Wizard of Oz, and Mr. Smith Goes to Washington among other acclaimed classic films.
LISTEN: WJCT's David Luckin on the 3x5 Classic Film Festival
University of North Florida professor and film noir expert Sharon Cobb will join First Coast Connect host Melissa Ross to open the festival on the evening of Friday, March 28. They will discuss why Citizen Kane is considered to be Orson Welle’s most famous film prior to the film's screening.

WJCT Program and News Director Karen Feagins will introduce The Wizard of Oz to open a day of screenings on Saturday, March 29. Later that day, State of Re:Union host Al Letson will open Mr. Smith Goes to Washington, the film that propelled Jimmy Stewart to stardom.
On Saturday evening, Daniel Solomon, award winning writer and director, will offer his thoughts on The Big Sleep featuring Hollywood couple Humphrey Bogart and Lauren Bacall.
Sharon Cobb will return on Sunday, March 30, to discuss the Alfred Hitchcock thriller Notorious.
You can get more information on the festival and tickets online at
You can follow Melissa Ross on Twitter @MelissainJax.