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2015 April Fools' Day Pranks Roundup

Trek Bicycle Store of Jacksonville

On this sacred holiday, it is often hard to tell which news stories are real and which are fake. Failing to heed the wise words of John Oliver individuals, businesses and news organizations have brought out their best pranks for this April Fools' Day. Although WJCT has been known to pull a good April Fools' Day prank in the past, we have decided to forgo the annual tradition this year. However, for your entertainment, we've put together a list of some of the best April Fools' pranks from the First Coast area and around the web.

April Fools' pranks from the First Coast

Trek Bicycle Store of Jacksonville launches tire drone delivery service. Trek sent out an email today letting customers know they were launching a new service that will bring you a new CO2 cartridge or a bicycle tube via a quadcopter drone. announced the City of Jacksonville passed legislation for a $220 million Ferris wheel. The "observation" wheel will replace the old courthouse on the river, and it will be the largest in the world, surpassing the recently built High Roller in Las Vegas.

Credit Ray Hollister / WJCT News
No prank could have been cruller

WJCT was the victim of an April Fools Prank this year. Candace Long, administrative coordinator for Jacksonville Community Council Inc. (JCCI), left a box of Dunkin' Donuts (see photo to the right) in the WJCT break room. JCCI's offices are located in the same building as WJCT.

Lee Hamby, founder and managing director of The 5 & Dime, A Theatre Company announced on Facebook that he was cast as Gus/Bustopher Jones in the West End production of Cats.

April Fools pranks on the web

Wonder Woman's Invisible Jet is on display at The National Air and Space Museum. The one-of-a-kind jet is on loan from The Museum of Flight in Seattle, Washington.

The new Honda HR-V SLF "Selfie Edition" comes with 10 interior and exterior cameras allowing drivers and passengers to take pictures of themselves. Fortunately, the car only allows selfies to be taken while the car is in park. 

The Takeaway announced Hilary Clinton submitted her paperwork yesterday to run for president — and to divorce Bill Clinton. released an academic paper today verifying the existence of dragons. The paper warns that global warming may usher in a new resurgence in the creatures population.

Microsoft released a new operating system for its mobile phone division, MS-DOS. According to the press release, the new operating system brings with it "the much-loved C:\ prompt."

Jimmy Johns announced on Twitter they are launching drone delivery of subs.

Prank or real?

The following are news stories we are still unsure about. Tell us if you think they are true or fake in the comments down below.

Google Maps has added PAC-MAN mode. The new feature allows you to eat pac-dots and power pellets and chase down the ghosts Blinky, Pinky, Inky and Clyde on the streets of the real world. (Confirmed! The game is available on the website for a short time.)

Amazon launches the 'Dash Button.' Amazon Prime users can get a free Wi-Fi enabled digital button that can reorder products with the push of a button.

Target launches the Fanny Basket. The press release explains that the innovative shopping basket straps on to customers' body and includes a cup holder making shopping a truly hands-free experience. (We are unsure about the validity of this story since Target began advertising for the Fanny Basket last week.)

Did we miss any great April Fools' Pranks? Tell us about them in the comments below or on Facebook or Twitter

Ray Hollister can be reached at, 904-358-6341 or on Twitter at @rayhollister.