Extra parking for holiday travelers will be available at Jacksonville International Airport beginning Sunday that could save quick travelers money.Economy lot number three usually only opens during the holidays and other times when a lot air traffic is anticipated. JIA spokeswoman Debbie Jones says this year lot three will be available for a flat $20 fee on a first come, first served basis.
“So once the lot is full then that option will no longer be available to customers," she said. "They are welcome to go to our normal economy lots which are $5 a day. And then of course we have our daily surface lot and our garage parking is also available."
Lot three will remain open through Monday, Jan. 6.
Airport officials are recommending travelers who are greeting family or friends to use the hourly parking garage or the free courtesy lot next to the JAA’s administration building.
Those flying out of JIA are being encourage to arrive at the airport at least two hours before takeoff.
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