The news that the 52-year-old Actor Luke Perry died Monday of a massive stroke affected millions of Americans. They were stunned someone still seemingly so healthy and vibrant could suddenly be gone.
But the truth is, the risk of stroke can be particularly dangerous for middle-age adults. Risk factors include high blood pressure, high cholesterol, smoking, obesity and diabetes. According to the American Heart/Stroke Association, 1-in-3 American adults has at least one of these conditions or habits.
Dr. Jason Siegel, a neurologist with Mayo Clinic in Jacksonville, and Urvashi Patel, a 43-year-old stroke survivor, joined us for a closer look.

Yellow House (Re)Sets the Table
Jacksonville's Yellow House gallery curates art focused on social change. This month, Yellow House revisits its Set the Table exhibit with a new show called (Re)Set the Table. Artists address issues of migration, race, gender equity and LGBTQ rights. Hope McMath, founder and director of Yellow House, and artist Malath Albakri, whose work is featured in the show, joined us.

'I Gave Up Men for Lent'
Author Kacie Main chronicles her period of dating abstention in her book I Gave Up Men for Lent.
Heather Schatz can be reached at, 904-358-6334 or on Twitter at @heatherschatz.