Nadege Green
Nadege Greencovers social justice issues for WLRN.
For her, journalism boils down to not only telling the stories of the people who are accessible, but also seeking out the voices we don't hear from, and telling those stories too.
Her work was received numerous awards, including a 2017 Regional Edward R. Murrow Award (Planning Funerals For Children Lost To Gun Violence), 2016 first place investigative reporting award from the National Association of Black Journalists and Florida AP Broadcaster awards.
In 2018 Green was recognized by the Miami Foundation with the Ruth Shack Leadership award for her body of work that gives voice to communities that are often not heard.
Green's reporting has appeared in the Miami Herald, NPR and PRI. Her work has also been cited in Teen Vogue, The Root, Refinery 29 and the Washington Post.
Shepreviously worked at the Miami Herald covering city governments and the Haitian community. Greenstudied English with a specialization in professional writing at Barry University.
Follow her on Twitter @nadegegreen
On any weekday, it’s common to see a line of people in Miami-Dade County courts trying to get their driver’s license reinstated largely due to unpaid...
Most Friday nights, a small street orchestra of Haitian men parades through Little Haiti playing handmade horns and drums in traditional rara style. The...
Miami Carnival is a medley of Caribbean culture— waist-winding (or whining) rhythms of soca, food offerings from various islands and masquerade bands...
As Hurricane Dorian makes it way toward Florida, a network of community volunteers and nonprofits are teaming up to respond to the needs of seniors on...
Marq Mitchell got his license suspended when he was about 21 years old. He had two felony convictions — one stemming from his time as a teen in foster...
Labor Secretary Alex Acosta resigned last week in connection to the role he played in Jeffery Epstein’s lax plea deal in 2008. Epstein was facing...
William Latson, the principal of Spanish River High School in Boca Raton, was removed from his post this week. The Palm Beach Post reported on an email...
Schiller Sanon-Jules greets a group of women who walk over to his set up inside the Caribbean Marketplace in Little Haiti. It’s a Thursday and although...
Tony Lima, the executive director of SAVE, one of Miami's oldest LGBTQ rights group, was fired Monday night. Lima, who led the organization for six...
At a gala earlier this month to celebrate “champions of equality” in the LGBTQ community, the executive director of SAVE, South Florida oldest LGBTQ...